Literary Prospects Episode 56: Author(s) A.D. Rhine

In Episode 56 of Literary Prospects, we talk with authors Ashlee Cowles and Danielle Stinson — know together as A.D. Rhine — about their sophomore novel, Daughters of Bronze.

Ashlee and Danielle are united by their military “brat” upbringing, childhood friendship spanning two decades, and love of classical literature. Ashlee holds graduate degrees in medieval history from the University of St. Andrews and theological studies from Duke University. Danielle holds a master of arts in law and diplomacy from Tufts University. Their adult debut Horses of Fire and Daughters of Bronze, an epic duology of the Trojan War, is the story they have always dreamt of writing together. Daughters of Bonze is out now.

In this interview, Ashlee and Danielle talk about what made them want to retell the epic story of the Iliad from the Trojan women’s perspective, the real historical figures who inspired the characters, the blurry line between history and mythology, writing as a team (even though they have vastly different work styles), how their friendship and growing up as “military brats” inspires their writing, and much more…

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