Literary Prospects Episode 23: Writing Coach Monica Hay

In Episode 23 of Literary Prospects, we talk with writing coach Monica Hay.

Monica is a writing coach who specializes in helping writers overcome resistance such as procrastination and perfectionism. She has her Master’s in Publishing, has worked for two different literary agencies, and was the Director’s Assistant for Write On Con, an online children’s writers conference. Monica’s passion for working with writers led her to hosting The Overcome Writer’s Resistance Bootcamp, a 5-day online course to help writers overcome resistance so they can finally write their book. She’s an advocate for neurodiversity and calls herself “unapologetically woo woo.” 

In this interview, Monica talks about the science behind writer’s block, why writers procrastinate, tools for overcoming procrastination and perfectionism in your writing, why workshopping isn’t always the best idea for a blocked writer, and much more…